The Benefits of Art Therapy with Michelle Oucharek-Deo | E164 – Parent Talk

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Did you know that the playfulness of art therapy is among one of its greatest benefits?

Through activities such as dance, music, theater, visual arts, body language, literature, or applied Arts (design, jewelry, textile), children can develop social and expressive skills, and improve their self-confidence and self-esteem.

Other benefits of art therapy in both children and adults are learning to navigate conflicts and solve problems to reduce stress or to achieve growing introspection.

If you are curious or if you want to know more about Art Therapy and its benefits, this week’s podcast is a must-listen.

E164 – The Benefits of Art Therapy  With Michelle  Oucharek-Deo

Michelle will be answering all your questions and don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like to know more!

Happy listening

Genevieve,  Becca & Michelle


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